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One Music
7. July. , 2024Aktuality,One MusicListen to the melodies created by One Music. [video src="" /] [video src="" /] [video src="" /]
22. April. , 2024Aktuality,One MusicThank you to all the participants who shared the joy of music with us on 17.4.2024! The One Music program was created as a dream come...
18. April. , 2024Aktuality,One MusicThank you to all participants of the One Music press conference, that took place 16.4.2024, for their interest! Thanks also to the Ministry of Investment, Regional...
11. March. , 2024Aktuality,ConcertsVážení priatelia a milovníci starej hudby, pozývame Vás na ďalší koncert z cyklu Kantáty so Solamente naturali J. S. Bach: Jánove Pašie, BWV 245 22.3. TRNAVA, 20.00 hod. Bazilika sv. Mikuláša 23.3. BRATISLAVA, 19.00...
28. February. , 2024Concerts,One MusicTogether with the students of the Secondary School of Mechanical Engineering in Bratislava, we enjoyed the popular flying melodies of the One Music concert on...
1. November. , 2023Aktuality,Concerts,One MusicThe music project One Music has joined forces with the young, talented students of the Grieg Academy in Bergen. The musicians met in a workshop,...
30. October. , 2023Aktuality,Concerts,One MusicThe charming town of Bergen on the west coast of Norway recently hosted a major event – the Norwegian premiere of One Music. The scenic...
16. October. , 2023Aktuality,Concerts,Médiá,One Music6. 7. 2023 Bratislava, nádvorie Starej radnice Solamente naturali, Barokksolistene Viva Musica! festival Tretí z pätnástich koncertov tohtoročného bratislavského letného festivalu sa niesol v znamení prepojenia slovenskej...
9. July. , 2023One MusicThe One Music project brought its unique musical message to the town of Bojnice, where it finished its Czech-Slovak tour. The premises of Bojnice Castle provided...
7. July. , 2023One MusicThis year, the Olomouc Baroque Festival kicked off its eleventh year in an unconventional way. The Archbishop’s Palace in Olomouc became the place where melodies and...
6. July. , 2023One MusicAs part of the prestigious music festival Viva Musica, a musical event of the One Music project took place at the Town Hall Square in...
5. July. , 2023One MusicIn the picturesque town of Židlochovice, in the Czech Republic, the first concert of the One Music project took place, which brought an unforgettable experience...
5. July. , 2023Aktuality,Concerts,One MusicPozývame Vás na koncert Solamente naturali spolu s Barokksolistene: One Music v rámci festivalu VIVA MUSICA. V Bratislave na Nádvorí Starej radnice, 6. 7. o 20. hodine.
15. May. , 2023One MusicThe Secondary Vocational School of Hairdressing and Make-up Artistry, Svätoplukova 2, in Bratislava welcomed members of Solamente naturali in its premises as part of the...
12. May. , 2023Aktuality,Concerts,MédiáAlexander Dubček – ľudská tvár politiky. Odovzdávanie cien Alexandra Dubčeka 27. marca 2022.
8. May. , 2023One MusicOn the afternoon of 3 May 2023, after a great day of rehearsals at the Lozorno Cultural Centre, we met with pupils and parents from...
8. May. , 2023One MusicWe took advantage of the rare presence of the world-famous Norwegian jazz musician, pianist and composer Jon Balke on 2 May 2023 at a workshop...
7. May. , 2023One MusicIn the first week of May 2023, the small ECAV church on Panenska Street in Bratislava hosted both ensembles to rehearse undisturbed the upcoming musical...
3. April. , 2023Aktuality,ConcertsPozývame Vás na koncert Cithara Sanctorum 1636 v Malej Sále SF, 4. apríla 2023 o 19:00
13. January. , 2023Aktuality,ConcertsSolamente naturali a Vocale ensemble SoLa Vás pozývajú na ďalší koncert z cyklu “Kantáty so Solamente Naturali” – BACH / SCARLATTI. 14.1.2023 18.00 hod. – Malý...
20. November. , 2022Aktuality,One MusicHelge is one of the world’s leading percussionists in the field of multimedia genres, in which he freely and tastefully blends different cultures and traditions....
15. November. , 2022Aktuality,One MusicThe long-awaited meeting of musicians who collaborate on the One Music project took place in the premises of a monastery in Marianka near Bratislava. The union...
13. November. , 2022Aktuality,One MusicPrincipals of the music ensembles Barokksolistene from Norway and Solamente naturali from Slovakia their long-standing dream – the preparation of a joint musical programme called...
30. October. , 2022Aktuality,One MusicThe first live meeting of the complete Solamente naturali ensemble within the One Music project took place in the Evangelical Church in Bratislava’s Petržalka, where...
23. October. , 2022Aktuality,One MusicThe environment and the atmosphere at the Academy of Arts in Banská Bystrica have had a special position among other schools since the beginning of...
23. June. , 2022Aktuality,ConcertsMám nádej a spásu… pocta Jele Krčméry-Vrteľovej a Miroslavovi Cipárovi. Koncert sa uskutoční v Bratislave v Novom evanjelickom kostole, v piatok 24. júna o 18. hod. Vstup je...
15. June. , 2022Aktuality,One MusicIn the small old church of the picturesque village of Sirk in the Gemer region, there was a joyful cheering and clapping of festively dressed...
6. June. , 2022Aktuality,ConcertsVážení priatelia, srdečne Vás pozývame na krátky koncert v Moyzesovej sieni 8. júna o 18.00 hod. Na koncerte predstavíme CD Musica Tyrnaviensis spolu s CD Musica Hradekiensis. CD...
15. May. , 2022Aktuality,One MusicThe basic preparation of material for the project is closely connected with the search for the vanished old culture, which is hidden in archives in...
27. April. , 2022ConcertsPod vedením huslistu Petra Spišského, Solamente Naturali sa predstaví na XXXI. ročníku žilinského festivalu ALLEGRETTO. Zaznejú diela G. F. Telemanna, A. Vivaldiho, J.F. Rebela a Staré...
10. April. , 2022Aktuality,One MusicDiscussions about the preparation of the One Music programme were held primarily between the artistic directors of both ensembles – Miloš Valent from Solamente naturali...
5. April. , 2022ConcertsSrdečne Vás pozývame na Veľkonočný koncert “Lamentácie k Veľkej noci” v malej sále Slovenskej Filharmónie, 12 apríla o 19 hodine.
6. February. , 2022Aktuality,One MusicStart of the One Music project The vision of One Music was created much earlier, but you know how it is – it takes more than...
8. January. , 2022ConcertsPozývame Vás dnes sledovať v priamom prenose koncert z cyklu “BACH – Kantáty so Solamente Naturali”. 8. januára o 18. hod. na
17. December. , 2021ConcertsPozývame Vás na veselý vianočný koncert po Štefanovi 27.decembra 2021 o 19.00 v Radvani. Solamente Naturali v programe Pastorella zahrá skladby s pastierskou tématikou skomponované...
24. June. , 2021ConcertsViva Musica! festival je neoddeliteľnou súčasťou leta v Bratislave a aj v roku 2021 prinesie to najlepšie z klasickej hudby v podaní svetových slovenských umelcov....
24. June. , 2021ConcertsNa záver World Music Festivalu Bratislava si organizátori pripravili koncert pre verejnosť s legendami slovenskej hudobnej scény.
21. June. , 2021ConcertsPozývame Vás na koncert Solamente Naturali, ktorý sa uskutoční v piatok 25. júna 2021 o 19:30 v čitárni u Červeného raka v Bratislave.
24. March. , 2021ConcertsPozývame vás pozrieť si dokument o medzinárodnom hudobnom festivale Pro Musica Nostra, ktorý sa každoročne koná v rôznych mestách na Slovensku. Festival sa doposiaľ uskutočnil...
24. March. , 2021ConcertsBach – HammerschidtZáznam priameho prenosu koncertu z Veľkého kostola CZ ECAV Bratislava Staré mesto. Vocale Ensemble SoLa A. Hammerschidt (1611 – 675): Vom leiden Christi /...